Our Impact

In the simplest sense, we help organizations address and solve social challenges through the power of publishing. But our impact is much deeper than that. Here are the many ways we make a difference:

For Causes, Nonprofits, and Social Entrepreneurs

  • Cause-marketing campaigns and missions benefit most from telling their stories, which is perfectly suited for publishing.
  • Each book contains information on the social-impact organization it benefits, to help connect the reader to the cause.
  • We advise that all promotions for social-impact books include promotion of the related social cause.
  • Authors serve as natural evangelists and advocates for their books’ causes.
  • Books have a long shelf life, thus generating ongoing awareness of the social causes they address.
  • Books make great gifts and are passed along, which helps spread the message of the social-impact organization.
  • Books can be excellent for driving donations, either directly through sales of the book or using the book as a platform.
  • We recommend featuring the benefiting organization in the Amazon listings for social-impact books.
  • Social-impact books and our efforts raise awareness of social entrepreneurship in general and inspire people to consider it for their own passions.
  • Books can profile social entrepreneurs and their stories, directly or through promotions.
  • We teach social entrepreneurs and nonprofits how to use book publishing to advance their missions.
  • We are the only publisher exclusively dedicated to serving the social-impact community.
  • We guide publishers and authors to leverage the power of each book through sponsors; for example, a major corporation could buy 5,000 copies to give to its employees or customers, which reflects highly on the corporation and greatly benefits the social-cause organization related to that book.
  • Supporting our company supports social enterprise, as we are a benefit corporation with a mission to follow sustainable, transparent, and socially responsible business practices.

For Corporations and Other Sponsors

  • Sponsorship (corporate or otherwise) is rewarded with appropriate recognition and publicity.
  • We advise authors and publishers to publicize sponsor partners on their websites and social media, as well as featuring them in the Amazon listings for their books and in the books themselves.
  • We guide publishers and authors to leverage the power of each book through sponsors; for example, a major corporation could buy 5,000 copies to give to its employees or customers, which reflects highly on the corporation and greatly benefits the social-cause organization related to that book.
  • Being a part of the synergy surrounding the only publisher dedicated to serving the cause-marketing and social-impact community.
  • Supporting our company supports social enterprise, as we are a benefit corporation with a mission to follow sustainable, transparent, and socially responsible business practices.

For Authors

  • Expert guidance and education on best practices and publishing standards for your book to maximize professionalism and social impact potential.
  • Corporate sponsorships can fund “advances” for authors, helping authors to earn more for their work.
  • The satisfaction of knowing that your work is serving a higher purpose and supporting your passions.
  • Being a part of the synergy surrounding the only publisher dedicated to serving the cause-marketing and social-impact communities.
  • Supporting our company supports social enterprise, as we are a benefit corporation with a mission to follow sustainable, transparent, and socially responsible business practices.

For Readers

  • Benefiting from and enjoying quality books that educate, entertain, inform, and inspire, written by authors who want to make a greater impact in the world.
  • Know that your authors are being paid fairly for their work.
  • Knowing that your book purchase is helping a cause that you value and support.
  • Supporting our company supports social enterprise, as we are a benefit corporation with a mission to follow sustainable, transparent, and socially responsible business practices.